Hapy Pet Vet Clinic

FAQ for Cat

blood sugar emergency

Signs of low blood sugar or hypoglycemia include wobbliness, twitching, blindness, seizures and collapse.

1. lf your cat has diabetes and signs of low blood sugar, rub corn syrup or glucose paste on the cat's gums, even if the cat is comatose.

If your cat is diabetic or has a history of low blood sugar, keep glucose paste or corn syrup on hand.

2. If you do not have corn syrup or glucose paste, rub sugar water on the gums.

3. Check your dog's ABCs and perform CPR if needed.

4. Immediately take the cat to the veterinary hospital.

Bring the insulin and syringe with you.

5. If your cat is diabetic or has a history of low blood sugar, keep glucose paste, corn syrup or molasses on hand.


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